Write a professional research proposal in Applied linguistics explore its effectiveness in improving language proficiency and learner motivation.


Language acquisition is a complex cognitive process, and second language acquisition (SLA) presents unique challenges to learners. In recent years, technology-assisted language learning (TALL) has gained popularity as a potential tool to facilitate SLA. This research proposal aims to investigate the impact of TALL on SLA and explore its effectiveness in improving language proficiency and learner motivation.

Literature Review

Technology-Assisted Language Learning (TALL)

Within the realm of language learning, Technology-Assisted Language Learning (TALL) represents a dynamic and diverse array of digital tools and resources. These encompass mobile applications, language learning software, online courses, and immersive virtual reality experiences, all meticulously designed to facilitate language acquisition. Scholars, including Warschauer (2017), have advocated for the adoption of TALL, highlighting its intrinsic capacity to furnish language learners with supplemental opportunities for exposure to the target language and ample avenues for practice. As a result, TALL emerges as an invaluable resource within the realm of Second Language Acquisition (SLA).

The Role of Motivation in SLA

Motivation stands as an elemental and determinant factor in the multifaceted journey of language acquisition (Dörnyei, 2019). In the context of TALL, this motivation takes on renewed vigor and vitality. Through gamification elements, fostering social interaction, and providing immediate feedback mechanisms, TALL rekindles and sustains learner motivation (Godwin-Jones, 2020). This motivational resurgence, powered by technology, invigorates language learners, propelling them toward enhanced proficiency.

Effectiveness of TALL in SLA

Comprehensive studies conducted by Li and Hegelheimer (2019) and Zhang et al. (2021) have unveiled a panorama of encouraging outcomes regarding the implementation of TALL in the realm of SLA. These studies have illuminated substantial gains in terms of language proficiency among learners who have embraced TALL as an integral component of their language learning journey. Nevertheless, an overarching imperative persists: the need to dissect and comprehend the intricate contextual variables that exert influence upon the efficacy of TALL within the diverse landscape of educational settings. This requisite exploration is fundamental for a nuanced understanding of the symbiotic relationship between technology and language acquisition.

Research Objectives

The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

  1. To assess the impact of TALL on language proficiency improvement among second language learners.
  2. To investigate the role of learner motivation in the effectiveness of TALL for SLA.
  3. To identify contextual factors that may influence the integration of TALL in language education.



The study will involve a diverse group of 300 second language learners aged 18 to 35, representing a broad spectrum of language backgrounds and cultural contexts. These participants will be recruited from various language learning institutions, including universities, language schools, and online language learning platforms. Proficiency levels will vary within the beginner to intermediate range, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the impact of technology-assisted language learning (TALL) across different learner profiles.

Research Design

A mixed-methods approach will be employed to gather comprehensive data on the efficacy of TALL in second language acquisition (SLA). This approach combines quantitative and qualitative research methods, providing a holistic view of the research problem. The study will consist of pre-and post-test assessments of language proficiency to quantify language skill improvement over the study period. Concurrently, surveys will be administered to measure motivation levels among participants, offering insights into the emotional and cognitive aspects of learning. Additionally, semi-structured interviews will be conducted to gather rich qualitative data, allowing participants to express their experiences and perceptions of using TALL tools in their language learning journey.

Data Collection

Language Proficiency Assessments:

Language proficiency assessments will be conducted using well-established standardized tests, chosen to align with the specific language(s) being studied. These assessments will be administered before and after the TALL intervention, enabling the measurement of language skill improvement.

Motivation Surveys:

Motivation levels will be assessed through a modified version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), a widely recognized instrument for measuring learner motivation. Participants will complete the survey at multiple points throughout the study, offering insights into changes in motivation over time.

Semi-Structured Interviews:

In-depth semi-structured interviews will be conducted with selected participants. These interviews will be audio-recorded to capture participants’ responses accurately. Subsequently, the audio recordings will be transcribed for qualitative analysis.

Data Analysis

The collected data will undergo rigorous analysis to draw meaningful conclusions:

Quantitative Data Analysis:

Quantitative data, primarily language proficiency scores and motivation survey responses, will be analyzed using specialized statistical software. Statistical tests such as t-tests and regression analysis will be applied to determine the significance of language proficiency improvements and to explore the relationship between motivation levels and TALL usage.

Qualitative Data Analysis:

Qualitative data from semi-structured interviews will be analyzed thematically. This approach involves identifying recurring themes, patterns, and key insights in the interview transcripts. The thematic analysis will provide a deeper understanding of participants’ perceptions and experiences with TALL.


To enhance the credibility and reliability of the study, the quantitative and qualitative findings will be triangulated. This triangulation involves comparing and contrasting the results from both data sets to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research questions.

Expected Outcomes

This study expects to yield the following outcomes:

  1. Insights into the impact of TALL on language proficiency improvement.
  2. A deeper understanding of the relationship between learner motivation and TALL.
  3. Identification of contextual factors affecting the integration of TALL in language education.


This research proposal outlines a study that seeks to contribute to the field of applied linguistics by investigating the impact of technology-assisted language learning on second language acquisition. By examining the effectiveness of TALL in improving language proficiency and learner motivation, this research aims to provide valuable insights for language educators and policymakers. The findings of this study can inform the development of evidence-based language learning strategies that incorporate technology to enhance the SLA process.

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