Why are these trends important for decision making of tourism development to meet its objectives?

Tourism Environment and Industry

Learning outcome 1: Identify and explain the key components involved in the study of the contemporary tourism industry

Learning outcome 2: Understand the social, economic, political, and environmental costs and benefits of tourism in the widest sense.

Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills, referencing and good academic practice and work as part of a team making appropriate contributions, agreeing with group decisions, and demonstrating oral presentation skills.Task requirements


This assignment will encourage the students to apply the learnings from the module to a tourism issue and will be delivered in the form of a group presentation.

Description Of The Task

Create Presentation Slides (approximately upto 10 slides in PowerPoint format), for in-class Group presentation of 15 minutes on the emerging global trends in travel and tourism industry.

Create Presentation Slides (approximately upto 10 slides in PowerPoint format), for in-class Group presentation of 15 minutes on the emergingglobal trends in travel and tourism industry.

• Ensure you access relevant materials on the Moodle for your presentation including the template.

• You must use at least two from the reading resources on the Moodle for the PowerPoint presentation.

• Introduction and task allocations of group members.

• What are the emerging global trends in travel and tourism industry in the 21st century?

• Why are these trends important for decision making of tourism development to meet its objectives?

• How would the changes in global trends affect the businesses in tourism industry in terms of competitiveness globally?

• What are the costs and benefits of these factors on the economy, society and environment?

• Conclusion and recommendations for the future based on the above findings.