What was the answer you discovered? Can you formulate the answer as a definition?
In 500 words, please upload a document responding to all of the following questions:
Read Josef Pieper’s “Learning How to See Again,” in Only the Lover Sings, 31-36. Recall a moment of insight or understanding in your own life.
(1) Where were you?
(2) What were you doing? Use your own experience to formulate a detailed account of how the process of understanding (and definition) unfolds. In addition to the questions above, try to identify other features of the process such as clues or images.
(3) What was the question, issue, or problem?
(4) What was the answer you discovered?
(5) Can you formulate the answer as a definition?
(6) If not, why not? Is your answer an answer to a different sort of question? Throughout your account, try to be as descriptive and vivid as possible.
The uploaded document should be single-spaced, with 1 in. margins all around, and executed in a standard 12 pt. font such as Times New Roman, Arial, Garamond, etc. While this is primarily a response paper, you should provide parenthetical citations wherever applicable. Citations should follow the following format: (Last Name of Author, short title, #).
Remember, your essay should be your own. This is not a research paper. Do not copy and paste from outside web sources or consult any unauthorized material (whether print or digital). If you would like to utilize a source you are unsure about, please seek permission from the professor. Use of unauthorized source material will result in a “0” on the assignment. Use of ChatGPT or any other form of conversational AI is absolutely prohibited. Use of Quillbot or any other form of AI assisted writing is absolutely prohibited. The consequences for plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty are outlined in the syllabus.