What is unique to your project, why are you uniquely placed to perform the work.

Formatting Guidelines.
Please use 12pt font (Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman), single spacing with 0.5 inch borders. Figures and tables should be embedded within text (wrap text to the figures and tables). References should be numbered in the order in which they appear and inserted using a bibliography software (please let me know if you do not have such software).
Specific Aims: 1 paragraph introduction: describe the disease under study, and the larger context of your research question. Clearly list the hypotheses you have developed in each specific aim and briefly summarize your approach for each. 1/2 page maximum.
Background & Significance: Describe the background of your project, what is the need for your project in the context of medical research and how will it improve our understanding of the field you are proposing to research. 1 page maximum.
Innovation: What is unique to your project, why are you uniquely placed to perform the work. What places your project as the best way to research your proposed topic. 1 paragraph.
Approach: Describe the experiments you will perform (in the order they are planned) and include measures of quality control, experimental method, sample size, statistical analysis and the results you will garner from each. If you have space, please include a timeline.