What is the user agent of the client that sent this HTTP request packet? What media formats will be accepted in the response?


  • Find the first HTTP GET request, expand the HTTP headers section, and answer the following
  • TIP: use filters to narrow your search
  • What is the user agent of the client that sent this HTTP request packet?
  • What is the hostname?
  • What media formats will be accepted in the response?
  • What is the default language that is accepted by the client?
  • What types of encoding (usually compression algorithms) can the client accept?
  • Find the corresponding response packet to the GET packet that you found above and answer the following questions:
  • What content encoding was provided by the server?
  • When does the content expire?
  • What is the content length?
  • How many cache hits were there in the response?
  • Using the same response packet as above – Expand the IPv4 and TCP header sections and answer the following questions
  • What is the IP address of the server?
  • What is the IP address of the client?
  • What is the client port number used?
  • What is the server port number used?