The Assignment is expected to contain a maximum of words. This excludes the titles, content page, references, any words in graphics and appendices, but includes words in tables.

Case study

For this assignment you have two options:

1) Select either the IACCM Contract Life Management (CLM) framework we have discussed extensively in the lecture notes or the OGC or Cullen CLM frameworks – and using examples from projects in your own organisation identify why the phases and the components within each phase of your selected CLM framework are important. Also, if you identify from your organisation’s experiences any differences in your own CLM process compared to these frameworks, then describe these differences and the reasons for them. When using your company’s internal projects as examples, you will need to provide data to substantiate your points.

2. Select either the IACCM Contract Life Management (CLM) framework we have discussed extensively in the lecture notes or the OGC or Cullen CLM frameworks – and using examples from projects in the public domain identify why the phases and the components within each phase of your selected CLM framework are important. When using multiple projects in the public domain as examples, ensure you clearly reference all sources and avoid describing elements of the project that are not relevant to the point you are making. Also, if you identify any missings (weaknesses) in these frameworks compared to what was actually done in the selected case studie(s), then describe the missings and reasons for them.

The Assignment is expected to contain a maximum of  words. This excludes the titles, content page, references, any words in graphics and appendices, but includes words in tables. You may structure your work in whatever way you believe is most appropriate though this will form part of the assessment.

The work should be written in English, typed or word-processed using preferably MS Word or other equivalent word-processing software, 12-point Times Roman or Arial fonts (or equivalent), 1.15 line spacing, and single side justified.

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