Social-technical factors, issues, and considerations involved in IS-IT or KMS development and implementation.

Research paper of 10-12 double spaced pages, exclusive of the title-covering page, references page, and any appendixes if used, turned in as a Word document. Ensure that you name the file to include your own name, for the purpose of easy identification.

Pre-approved topics- -ONLY 1 TOPIC TO BE USED-

I. Social-technical factors, issues, and considerations involved in IS-IT or KMS development and implementation.

II. Factors to consider when choosing an IS or KMS.

III. Systems Analysis and Design considerations, issues, and alternatives related to IS and-or KMS.

IV. Information Technology Project Management considerations, issues, and alternatives

The final research paper must be in APA format. Make sure all references are cited. The paper will include-

  • A title-covering page
  • An introduction or description of the topic-issue
  • *A brief literature review
  • Discussion of the topic in view of the literature reviewed – the main body of the paper
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices

* A brief literature review is that section of your paper where you briefly explain how each of your chosen resources contributed to the development of your research paper. Generally, the breakdown on length of a research paper is as follows, ≤¼ introduction, ≤¼ literature review, ≥½ discussion, and ≤¼ conclusion. Do not discuss something in your conclusion you have not previously discussed in the discussion section.

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