Leading and Managing People
Assignment: Case study: Business Ethics
Learning outcome 1: A critical awareness and comprehension of key and contemporary debates about theory and practice in the specific fields of high performance working, engagement, team management and motivation whilst assessing the importance of management and leadership through periods of organisational change.
Learning outcome 2: Be able to evaluate and analyse any given workplace scenario for evidence of effective people performance, leadership and management, andable to diagnose and identify appropriate solutions to issues or challenges limiting optimum work performance or affecting maximum application and utilisation of worker capability.
Produce a consultant`s report of 1,600 words (core focus is given in italics below and read the following Assignment Guidance carefully also before preparing your answer) which:
Task 1: Using research based on your analysis of two recent business ethics ‘scandals`; analyse the potential Corporate Governance in terms of accountability, transparency of operation and employee ethical conduct.
Task 2: Develop an options assessment of how a suitable ethical standard relating to accountability, transparency and employee conduct is to be achieved by Corporate Governance structure
Task 3: Critically evaluate andjustify the sort of leadership model (taken from your study of leadership within this Unit) and philosophy that would best support a sustainable ethical organisation. Illustrate a leadership management of change initiative to remedy the unethical behaviour / culture of one organisation identified section 1 (i.e. using one only of the two ‘scandals` identified in Task 1). Link these lessons to conclusions and recommendations of your chosen organisation or business.
Analyse adequately one or more of the relevant theories behind leading and managing people and how it impacts the ethical management of workers in organisations.
We will be filling this section in together in class onmake sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?