R4C-What changes, if any, did you make to your initial ER diagram and relational model after you created the sample input screen?


Recycle4Change (R4C) is a social enterprise initiative under Chance Creators, affiliated with the successful social enterprise "Fruit 2 Work" (F2W). R4C has partnered with TOMRA Cleanaway Victoria (TCV) to participate in the Victorian Government Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) by operating two automated depots (AD), scheduled to launch in November 2023. This initiative aims to establish a container recycling system modelled after the successful New South Wales CDS.

Task 1: An entity relationship diagram including all the significant entities, attributes and their relationships. Use Crow’s foot notation.

Task 2: A relational model showing all fields, primary keys, foreign keys and concatenated keys. Your relational model should be in third normal form. List any assumptions/business rules you have made.

Task 3: A sample dummy input screen of scheduling an interview for one of the shortlisted candidates. You have to make sure all the data requirements are being captured.

You may use any tool you like to create this sample screen. Write a brief paragraph of about 200 words discussing the following:

  •  Does your database design allow the storage of all the required information?
  • What changes, if any, did you make to your initial ER diagram and relational model after you created the sample input screen?

The front-end or user interface design enables accessing the data stored in a database. Prototyping the interface also enables capturing initial system and data requirements.