Prepare a recorded presentation for the Board of the business that you selected for Assessment 1.

Individual Case Analysis

  1. Prepare a recorded presentation for the Board of the business that you selected for Assessment 1.
  2. Evaluate the opportunities and threats for the business in the following areas(try to provide definitions in voice overs):
    • Disruption
    • Innovation
    • Sustainability
    • Diversity
  3. Prepare a 15 -minute recorded presentation that critically evaluates the impacts and required responses of the four identified areas above.

Your presentation must include the following sections:

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Evaluation:

2.1 Disruption

2.2 Innovation

2.3 Sustainability

2.4 Diversity

3.0 Conclusion

4.0 Recommendations Reference List

  • For guidance on the content of each for each section, please refer to the guidelines on page
  • For information on how the presentation will be marked see the marking rubric attached.
  • Use library databases or google scholar to find recent academic journal articles and publicly available information to prepare your recorded presentation.

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