NVQ Level 6 Diploma in Health and Safety, Course Work,

Control Health and Safety Risks

3.1 – Explain the process of identifying health and safety hazards within an organisation including:

Risk assessment methods, instruments and survey techniques used to determine exposure of people who may be affected.

3.2 – Explain the principles of methods of analysis suitable for determining risks.

3.3 – Explain methods of reviewing effectiveness.

3.4 – Describe external factors influencing the:

  • identification, and control of health and safety risks.
  • External factors include:
  • Health and safety statutory requirements
  • Tolerability/acceptability of risks
  • Quality management requirements for documents

3.5 – Explain the principles of risk control measures and safe systems of work.

3.6 – Explain risk control hierarchies.

Develop and Implement Effective Communication Systems for Health and Safety Information

4.1 – Describe the principles for effective communication.

4.2 – Explain potential barriers to effective communication.

4.3 – Describe the formal and informal communication systems within the organisation. 4.4 – Describe different ways people communicate.

4.5 – Provide examples of effective written and verbal communication.

4.6 – Describe factors that impact on communication systems for health and safety information.

Factors include:

  • Legislation
  • Codes of practice
  • Health and safety risk assessment
  • Control procedures
  • Technical developments
  • Industry best practice

4.7 – Describe proposed and new health and safety legislation, codes of practice and standards.

4.8 – Explain promotional activities for health and safety that are relevant to the needs of the organisation.

4.9 – Explain the statutory reporting requirements of the organisation in relation to health and safety.

4.10 – Explain the statutory information requirements for the organisation’s products, services and waste.

4.11 – Explain the health and safety standards and procedures that are relevant to contactors used by the organisation.

Develop and Implement Health and Safety Emergency Response Systems and Procedures

4.1 – Analyse the potential causes of emergencies.

  • Causes, include:
  • Natural and manmade
  • Accidental and deliberate

4.2 – Evaluate emergency procedures considering:

  • Relevant health and safety statutory requirements
  • Dealing with ongoing effects of fatalities
  • Injury accidents
  • Dangerous occurrences
  • Fire and explosion
  • Toxic release
  • Major disaster
  • Environmental impact
  • Rescue and security alert.

4.3 – Explain how to manage simulated emergency procedures.

4.4 – Explain the principles of press releases and media management.

4.5 – Explain health and safety statutory requirements in relation to emergency response systems.

Health and safety statutory requirements include:

  • First aid and medical service provision
  • Fire precautions
  • Emergency procedures
  • Major disasters
  • Ionising radiation incidents
  • Environmental impact events

Develop and Implement Health and Safety Review Systems

3.1 – Explain the process of setting targets that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

3.2 – Explain the nature and role of health and safety management systems.

3.3 – Evaluate the factors and features essential for efficient and cost-effective working of a health and safety management system.

3.4 – Explain the importance of efficiency and cost-effectiveness in a health and safety management system.

3.5 – Explain how to respond to the health and safety needs of others.

3.6 – Explain electronic and paper record systems and their benefits and weaknesses.

3.7 – Describe the external factors influencing health and safety review systems.

External factors include:

  • statutory requirements and industry best practice
  • quality management requirements for documentation

Develop and Maintain Individual and Organisational Competence in Health and Safety Matters

3.1 – Explain the structure of the organisation with respect to functions, activities, tasks and jobs.

3.2 – Evaluate the principles of competence, activity and task analysis.

3.3 – Explain how to conduct a health and safety competency training needs analysis.

3.4 – Explain the relationships between competencies, skills and qualifications.

3.5 – Explain the principles of:

  • Systematic training
  • Training design and delivery
  • Training evaluation and validation
  • Preparing, delivering and marking tests and assignments
  • Effective written and verbal communication

3.6 – Explain different learning styles.

3.7 – Explain advantages and disadvantages of different methods of presentation.

3.8 – Explain the external factors influencing individual and organisational competence in health and safety.

External factors include:

  • Statutory requirements
  • Industry best practice
  • Quality management requirements for documents

Develop, Implement and Monitor Behavioural Safety in the Workplace

3.1 – Explain the meaning of:

  • Safety culture
  • Behavioural safety

3.2 – Explain the principles underlying the behavioural safety process.

3.3 – Explain the aspects of human factors which are linked to behavioural safety.

4.1 – Analyse obstacles to safe leadership.

4.2 – Evaluate methods of influencing behaviour across an organisation.

4.3 – Explain the responsibilities of safety leadership.

4.4 – Evaluate the benefits of implementing behavioural safety.

4.5 – Describe factors to consider when deciding whether to implement behavioural safety programmes.

4.6 – Describe safe and unsafe behaviours.

4.7 – Analyse evidence that behavioural changes will improve safety.

4.8 – Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of behavioural safety programmes

Develop, Implement and Review Proactive Monitoring Systems for Health and Safety

3.1 – Explain proactive monitoring techniques for health and safety risk control measures.

3.2 – Explain different types of monitoring equipment.

3.3 – Explain sampling routines.

3.4 – Explain procedures for workplace inspections and activity observations.

3.5 – Explain the principles of effective written and verbal communication.

3.6 – Explain how to respond to the health and safety needs of others.

3.7 – Describe the external factors influencing health and safety proactive monitoring systems.

External factors include:

  • Statutory requirements and industry best practice
  • Quality management requirements for documentation

Develop, Implement and Review Reactive Monitoring Systems for Health and Safety

5.1 – Explain what constitutes a health and safety loss event.

5.2 – Describe reporting forms and recording procedures for health and safety loss events.

5.3 – Explain health and safety loss events that require formal investigation including:

  • The types
  • Causes
  • Impacts
  • Investigation systems and procedures

5.4 – Explain a range of failure tracing methods and techniques.

5.5 – Explain the principles of effective written and verbal communication.

5.6 – Explain how to respond to the health and safety needs of others.

5.7 – Describe the external factors influencing health and safety proactive monitoring systems.

5.8 – Explain statistical analysis techniques that are appropriate to the organisation/industry

5.9 – Explain health and safety statutory requirements regarding loss events and investigations

Manage Contractors to Ensure Compliance with Health and Safety

2.1 – Explain the procedures relevant to contractors:

  • organising access
  • security
  • health and safety arrangements.
  • dealing with problems that can arise during the use of premises and facilities
  • emergency and/or drills

 2.2 – Describe the approvals required for different types of contractor activities including: the importance of checking that they have been granted by appropriate person(s)

2.3 – Explain the types of problems that can arise during the use of premises and facilities.

2.4 – Explain the importance of making contractors aware of the location of emergency exits and emergency equipment.

2.5 – Describe the checks carried out to ensure that premises and facilities are left safe and secure during and after use.

2.6 – Explain record keeping for contractors. Record keeping should include:

Records kept.

The importance of completing them accurately

Who is authorised to access them?

Promote a Positive Health and Safety Culture

4.1 – Analyse the health and safety culture within the organisation.

4.2 – Explain the organisation’s communications system used to promote health and safety culture.

4.3 – Analyse the importance of keeping people regularly informed and discussing their involvement.

4.4 – Explain available information sources for health and safety within the workplace.

4.5 – Evaluate methods of influencing the wider values system of the organisation to promote a health and safety culture.

4.6 – Evaluate different performance measures and their impact.

4.7 – Explain external factors influencing a positive health and safety culture.

4.8 – Explain other sources of expertise and advice on health and safety.

5.1 – Analyse how people communicate.

5.2 – Explain the different people and groups affected when promoting a positive health and safety culture.

5.3 – Evaluate methods of engaging people and groups who may be affected.

5.4 – Explain how to provide effective information, advice and guidance to others.

5.5 – Explain the information needs of different affected people and groups.