NRSG371: Identify why there is food insecurity within your chosen country.

Case Studies

Case studies for this unit focus on the role of the nurse and the multidisciplinary team, curriculum threads, exploration of and engagement with unit content.

• 10-year-old male (lower socioeconomic): childhood obesity.

• 34-year-old female (high socioeconomic): domestic violence.

Assessment Strategy and Rationale 

A range of assessment items consistent with University assessment requirements and policy will be used to ensure students achieve the unit learning outcomes and attain the graduate attributes. Third year sees students continue their transition towards independent learning. In this unit, there are two 50% assessment items, therefore the importance of each item is higher in terms of achievement of unit learning outcomes and graduate attributes. The `project` assessment requires students to examine a community health issue and identify key points where changes can be made. An understanding of what is possible is required by any health care professional when approaching an issue if they are to plan for a genuine outcome. The written assignment addresses health problems as a societal issue. It requires students to integrate the role of the nurse with the building of healthy communities in order to meet the demands of a shift in care delivery and to expose students to the reality that the nursing practice environment reaches beyond the health care facility toward a broader context. Skills necessary for graduate practice include an understanding that the role of a nurse can extend beyond the health care facility and into the wider community. These assessments are required to build student knowledge and skills which, by the conclusion of this program, will enable the student to graduate as a safe and effective nurse.

Assessment 2 

Part A – food insecurity as a societal health issue

i. Identify why there is food insecurity within your chosen country.

ii. Discuss the main health outcomes of this societal issue within the population.

Part B – the nurse’s role

You are a nurse working in the UN (United Nations) and your role requires you to work in a community within your chosen country (community does not need to be specified). Your primary responsibility is to address food insecurity and malnutrition.

i. Using action area three of the Ottawa Charter, ‘strengthening community actions’, discuss how the community nurse would empower and engage stakeholders in addressing food insecurity?

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