MBP2143 Project Risk, Procurement and Integration Management Report


The objective of this assignment is to test students’ understanding of Procurement Management as one of the core components of Project Management. Specifically, it focuses on the application of Procurement Management in a project you are familiar with or have been involved in.

Assignment Brief:

Choose one (1) project from your background or area of study. Your task is to analyze the selected project and prepare a report based on the structure outlined below.

Report Structure:

  1. Introduction
    • Procurement Management Overview:
      Provide a definition, process, and best practices of Procurement Management in Project Management.
    • Brief Overview of Your Selected Project:
      Describe the project you’ve selected, ensuring to explain your role or familiarity with it.
  2. Main Report
    • Plan Procurement Management:
      • List at least 20 tasks/activities involved in the project.
      • Determine which tasks/activities can be performed internally and which ones should be outsourced/purchased externally.
      • Identify potential sellers for the outsourced/purchased activities.
      • Provide and explain the Input, Tools & Techniques, and Output for this process.
    • Conduct Procurement:
      • Briefly describe how you would obtain or receive responses from potential sellers.
      • Explain the contract award system used for awarding contracts to external sellers.
      • Provide and explain the Input, Tools & Techniques, and Output for this process.
    • Control Procurement:
      • Explain how the output of procurement processes is integrated with the overall project deliverables, status reports, issues, changes, actions, etc.
      • Provide and explain the Input, Tools & Techniques, and Output for this process.
  3. Conclusion/Summary:
    • Discuss the application of Procurement Management in the selected project and how it contributed to the overall success or challenges in managing the project.
  4. References:
    Include all sources of information you used for the report.
  5. Appendices:
    Provide any supplementary material (e.g., charts, diagrams, contracts) relevant to the project or Procurement Management processes.

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