MARK10010 Develop a critical understanding of brands and branding in contemporary society. Discuss your critical understanding of the concept of brand identity

It is a report focused on developing a critical understanding of the concept of brand identity

Evaluative Visual Report focused on developing a critical understanding of the concept of brand identity.

Learning outcome 1: Develop a critical understanding of brands and branding in contemporary society.

Discuss your critical understanding of the concept of brand identity.`

The visual report must include the following

  • A suitable cover page
  • A contents page
  • An introduction which sets the scene and very clearly outlines the structure, purpose and logic of the report.
  • A critical discussion of the concept of brand identity and its importance. (In doing so you should evaluate associated concepts discussed within the module such as brand personality, brand physique, brand culture, brand relationships, self- image and reflection). Given the word count, you should discuss in depth 3 of the prism facets. select the ones you are keen to discuss most, in order to ensure depth in your critical discussion. The idea here is that you demonstrate wider reading and in-depth understanding of brand identity. Be sure to structure your report into suitable headed sections and guide the reader through the discussion.
  • As this is a visual report, the report must contain visual examples of the concepts being discussed. For example, if you are discussing brand personality (or any other concept) - provide visual examples of brands who you feel have mastered this concept, or who need to improve, and provide brief summaries as to why you feel this is the case. These images should be integrated throughout the report and should appear below the relevant discussion of each concept.
  • A conclusion
  • Lastly select one of the elements of brand identity that you have chosen to critically analyse in your report. As an appendix to your report, you should develop a workshop activity that would allow you to facilitate a workshop in this area and therefor help to develop this aspect of a company`s brand identity. The idea here is to develop an interactive, thought-provoking brand workshop that could be facilitated and communicated with clear instructions. The appendix should be no longer than two pages. Task instructions should be sharp, clear and concise.

we will practice this throughout the module so be sure to attend your tutorials.

As a practitioner/brand consultant you should be able to deliver this workshop activity with brands to help them to develop a particular element of their branding. The workshop should be applicable to many organisations - not one specific brand.

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