Management And Organisation Behaviour BMO1102 Victoria University Australia

1. Your textbook suggests that employees might resist change because of self-interest, misunderstanding and distrust, and a general intolerance for change. How can companies manage resistance to change? Outline the five ways to manage resistance to change that are  outlined in your textbook. (Chapter 7)

2. Globalisation and doing business globally are significant issues for contemporary organisations. Define what is meant by Global Business. Identify the stages in the phase model of globalisation and explain the strengths and weaknesses inherent in each. (Chapter 8)

3. Job Specialisation uses standardised work procedures to have workers perform repetitive;  precisely defined and simplified tasks. Explain why companies use this approach to job design. Using the Job Characteristics model, describe how specialised jobs can be modified to  eliminate the boredom and low job satisfaction associated with them. (Chapter 9)

4. Keeping people focussed on their work and willing to make a positive contribution to the  company is an important role of management. Define motivation and briefly describe expectancy theory. Using expectancy theory, describe what has motivated your academic  performance at university. (Chapter 12)

5. It is said that many companies are over managed and under led. Define leadership and detail  the two types of visionary leadership outlined in your textbook. (Chapter 13)

6. What are the steps of the Control Process? Describe the elements of the Control Process and  explain how assignment assessment works at your university in terms of the Control Process.  (Chapter 15)

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