IT8X01 Research in Information Technology Software Testing and Industry. Literature review

You are to write a literature review on an area of research in IT. It is suggested that you focus on an area of IT research that you have some experience in, or that particularly interests you. 

The review must adhere to APA style manual standards, and must be cited and referenced to those standards. 

The review should be written in double line spacing, Calibri or Times New Roman font.  The length of the review is 1000 - 1500 words not including the references.  


To help students develop skills in academic writing, and in critiquing and analysis.


  1. Critically evaluate the suitability of a range of research methods (qualitative, quantitative, design, and mixed) for application in a specific area of information technology.
  2. Select, analyse, critique and synthesise research literature in a specific area of information technology.


Title Page

The title page of a review contains:

  • The title of the review (make the title as informative as possible)
  • Who the review is prepared for
  • Who prepared the review
  • The date the review was submitted

Literature Review

For the literature review you will need to find at least 10 articles from the library databases (e.g. Proquest, ACM) about your topic. These articles must be from academic peer reviewed literature.

See Creswell, J. 2009 Research design, Chapter 2, Review of the Literature.


Your literature review should have three parts:

  • The introduction, this should introduce the reader to area of the research. You should describe the research problem and why it is important or interesting. You should focus on the specific areas that you are interested in e.g. hearing disability and augmented technology, the efficiency of project management tools etc. 
  • The second part should discuss the research articles that you have read for the literature review. In this part you should be discussing the cited articles and their findings. 
  • In the final part of the review you should state your research question and describe how the articles you read lead to the formation of that question.

Your literature review should identify the following:

What is already known about the topic;

  • What theories and concepts are relevant;
  • Any significant controversies or inconsistencies; and  Any unanswered research questions.

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