Question 1: (1200 words)
Please summarise your findings from BOTH of the interviews you conducted, using the qualitative data analysis methods discussed in the lecture slides provided. You should provide a minimum of 3 findings and a maximum of 5 findings. These findings should be contextualized by module content (assigned readings and lecture content), as well as the relevant interviews that led to the findings. You should compare and contrast the data from both participants.
Because you submit the audio recordings and I listen to them, I am able to corroborate anything you discuss in the findings with the audio data. This helps me understand how well you are able to deduce findings. If what you write in the text (question 1, where you report findings), does not match the data you collected, I do not consider the assignment criteria having been met and this results in the first rubric category being assigned to the failed category. If the text discussing the finding is overly general, it suggests you did not listen to the audio data to develop the findings. If it is so general it could apply to literally any assignment, it really suggests you did not analyze the audio data. This also results in a fail category on the rubric. You can demonstrate that you listened to the audio data by using quotes to support your findings. Using quotes from the person you interviewed helps demonstrate how your finding is deduced as well as how this finding connects with points from module readings.