INFS2036 Identify a priority from your enrolled program perspective Identify a single key priority, that would be of interest to the winning organisation and is relevant to your enrolled degree program.


As a Business Intelligence (BI) consultant you would typically write a proposal for the CEO of an organisation (or a manager) detailing the product (dashboard) you will build for them. If your proposal is accepted, then the organisation would pay you to do the work and you would build the dashboard according to your proposal specifications. If yours isn’t accepted, you won’t have a job. This assignment prepares you for this real-world process by being completed in two parts:

Assignment Part 1: Pitching for the job

Part 1 is to write a 1,200 word proposal for the CEO of an organisation, detailing the dashboard you will build for them by identifying a key priority and supporting questions that will help them understand and plan for that priority. Important! You don’t answer the questions – your role is to identify key questions that will help the CEO with their decision-making and explain their relevance to the overall priority. In Part 1 you will also provide an example of the dashboard you would build if you got the job, but you will do the actual dashboard building in Part 2 (you have to get the job first!).

Assignment Part 2: You’ve won the job! Now you have to build the dashboard

Part 2 is to put your money where your mouth is! In Part 2, the CEO from your chosen organisation in Part 1 has given you the job and you will build a working dashboard from the priority, supporting questions and dashboard design you proposed in Part 1. You will build the dashboard using Tableau and the data you identified in Part 1. The CEO will be amazed at your talent and dashboard you deliver - as will we 

Assignment Part 1 Dashboard Proposal (1,200 words)

In Assignment Part 1 you will need to complete Steps 1, 2 and 3.

Steps 1 + 2: Developing a Priority for the Organisation Steps 1 + 2 from Figure 1 need to be completed as follows:

Step 1: Your Organisation for SP5 2023 This study period our chosen organisation will be the winner out of these four organisations. Who wins? The one that receives the most votes in the online survey.

The choices are:

 Coca-Cola

 Royal Flying Doctor Service

 Amazon

 Apple

Your assignment must focus on the winning organisation only – vote for your favourite one by going to the Week 0 tab on your course site. The link is at the bottom of that space. The winning organisation will be announced in the Week 1 Workshop. Note: all submissions are to focus on the winning organisation as announced in the Week 1 workshop, otherwise your assignment will be given 0 marks, with no resubmission allowed.

Step 2: Identify a priority from your enrolled program perspective Identify a single key priority, that would be of interest to the winning organisation and is relevant to your enrolled degree program.

Step 3: For Assignment Part 1 come up with 5 questionsthe proposed dashboard will be able to deliver insights that the user can’t answer now or easily (otherwise why would you get the job?!?)

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