In your visual essay, analyze the concept ofcountervisuality by comparing two examples of countervisual or resistantpractices from the course readings.

In response to one of the essay prompts below, present a well-supportedargument using a combination of images and words. Your visual essay shoulddemonstrate your ability to analyze aspects of visual culture and to use specificevidence from course materials to build an argument6-10 photos, arranged in a purposeful order that makes meaning•

Max. 800 words, arranged in relation the photos• Submit: a presentation that captures the combined photo-text (i.e., in the styleof a magazine or web article; in a slideshow; in a comic) and a references list.Must be in MLA or APAessay prompt: In our class, we’ve seen multiple examples of countervisuality, which means theways people resist, fight against, opt out, or stand in opposition to the messagesof dominant visual culture.

In your visual essay, analyze the concept ofcountervisuality by comparing two examples of countervisual or resistantpractices from the course readings.

One example must come from the week11 readings. Your essays must use specific evidence and definitions of conceptsfrom course readingsI have also provided you with the proposal below so you can get a sense of what the essay is about