Identify and specify the interface requirements between electronic, electrical and mechanical transducers and controller

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify and delineate the interface requirements among electronic, electrical, and mechanical transducers and controllers.
  2. Specify the interface requirements between electronic, electrical, and mechanical transducers and controllers.
  3. Justify the selection of transducers and controllers for specific tasks.
  4. Anticipate the behavior of electronically controlled industrial systems by employing various transducers to solve given problems and determine optimal solutions.
  5. Conduct a critical investigation into the behavior of a control system, comparing different electrical, electronic, and mechanical control approaches.

Industrial Systems Assignment: Electronically Controlled Systems

Task 1: Imagine you are a junior engineer at an automation factory tasked with interfacing various transducers with a microcontroller. Describe, using appropriate diagrams, how you would interface the following transducers: a. Thermistor b. Capacitive sensor c. Serial sensor d. 4-20mA control loop e. Photo sensor In the automotive industry, ultrasonic sensors like HC-SR04 are utilized for object detection in parking systems. Explain the operation of a simple car object detection parking system using such sensors.

Task 2: As an Electronics Systems Engineer in a plastic manufacturing company, your role is to design an electronically controlled system to regulate the speed of a servo motor driving a take-up roll for plastic film. You intend to employ your knowledge of servo motor control using a potentiometer and a differential amplifier. During your research, you encountered a setup depicting a servomechanism velocity control system (referenced as Fig. 1). Explain to an apprentice how this system works to maintain constant tension on the plastic film and prevent breakage.

Your explanation should include technical terms: 

  • Set point (potentiometer)
  • Actuator (DC motor) 
  • Sensor (wiper) 
  • Differential amplifier (Error) 
  • Signal from the rider roll
  • Feedback Illustrate a block diagram of the closed-loop system to depict its elements.

Task 3: Critically assess and analyze the performance of the electronically controlled paper rolling system described in Task 2. Provide recommendations for enhancing its performance and efficiency.