How do community members feel about a proposed homeless shelter being built near them? What do suicide notes tell us about possible reasons for suicide?

Discussion Post: Empirical Studies on Group Dynamics - Examples of Different Methods


In the first reflection discussion, you evaluated two sources of information about an empirical study. Empirical studies are primary sources of information and, as this module has shown, there are many ways to conduct a study. The different methods can be classified as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods.

Before you write your initial discussion post, read the assigned chapters and watch the videos on types of methods and the difference between qualitative and quantitative research.

Next, address the three research questions below, being sure to include the following elements.

Indicate whether the question is qualitative or quantitative and explain how you came to that conclusion. Note which method would be best for answering each question and explain how you came to that conclusion. Lastly, locate one study from a peer-reviewed journal that addressed one of the questions. Provide the reference and tell us which method the researchers used to investigate the problem, and why you think they chose that method. For example, you might note that a study used an experiment to investigate the research question because the researcher wanted to establish a causal relationship between the independent and dependent variables and show whether an intervention or treatment worked. Task

Question A. Is CBT or DBT more effective at treating prolonged grief?

Question B. What are community members` opinions on a proposed homeless shelter being built near them?

Question C. What insights can be gleaned from suicide notes about possible reasons for suicide?