GIL843 What is your overall view of the project health and what you would propose they adopt in future to improve its delivery (based on your own research assessment to depict how you came to the conclusion).

Assissment Details

  • Executive Summary (The projects current status and business and strategic rationale for its existence);
  •  Research methodology - Explanation of how you approached the 3x KPI`s of choice in its assessment (what`s your approach to assessing its health in relation to your project of choice);
  • The results and outputs of the assessment.
  •  What is your overall view of the project health and what you would propose they adopt in future to improve its delivery (based on your own research assessment to depict how you came to the conclusion).

Part of your research methodology to your chosen 3x KPI`s, You need to design a questionnaire and interview at least 6-10 people that are somehow involved in the project (Business, project, and user) in order to support your conclusions made in your assessment report.

Your assessment report should be structured as though you are an independent consultant.

You need to back up your conclusion with reference to 4x types of sourced artefacts.

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