Explore the literature surrounding the topic and share the pertinent findings the decision-makers should be cognizant

Task: our group has been tasked to evaluate the offshoring of the assembly and product from Australia to a cheaper alternative in APAC. It is anticipated that product assembly would occur outside of Australia and then be delivered to a Central warehouse, with Logistics controlled by Frank Green in Australia.

Current Situation: Frank Green products are assembled locally, using proprietary products and processes unique to the Frank Green products and organisation. However, due to the increasing cost of goods sold, the on-shore product assembly is becoming both cost-restrictive and, due to labour shortages, product delays are impacting sales and reputation.
Ideal Situation: A stable and cost-effective supply chain wherein there is a constant flow of products, albeit protection of proprietary product and process knowledge, to maintain the point of differentiation in the marketplace.

Literature Review: - Explore the literature surrounding the topic and share the pertinent findings the decision-makers should be cognizant of, e.g., trends, lessons, failings, emergent theories and ideas. - Identify empirical evidence in the literature, e.g., where there is an application, to identify the insights that can be factored into this report. - Ensure a body of knowledge is established surrounding the topic, and identify recent contributions to ensure the report reflects the emergent expertise to stay ahead of the competition.
2. Gap Analysis: Current, Ideal and Ultimate Goal - Using a methodology from the literature, compare and contrast the current situation against the ideal situation. Employ various techniques, e.g., process mapping, to explain the situations. - Also, outline the ultimate goal that should be strived for, yet may not be attainable, albeit decision makers need to be cognizant of it in further iterations

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