Examine the analytical techniques used to work onall stages of the project and strategies required toovercome the challenges involved in a research project

Research Project

Learning Outcome 1: Examine the analytical techniques used to work onall stages of the project and strategies required toovercome the challenges involved in a research project

Learning Outcome 2: Conduct a literature review of published material, either in hard copy or electronically, that is relevant to your research project

Learning Outcome 3: Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research

Learning Outcome 4: Analyse the strategies used to overcome the challenges involved in the literature review stage

M3 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis
D2 Critically analyse literature sources utilised, data analysis conducted and strategies to deal with challenges
LO3 Reflect on the impact the research experience could have in enhancing personal or group performance within an engineering context
P5 Reflect on the effectiveness and the impact the experience has had upon enhancing personal or group performance
M4 Evaluate the benefits from the findings of the research conducted
D3 Critically evaluate how the research experience enhances personal or group performance within an engineering context

You are now moving forward from the feedback that you have received from your initial studies to move on to the main project content. You have decided on the main aspect for this research project and will be asked to cover the following areas in detail based upon a meeting you had withmanagement and company director.

The outcome from this previous team meeting is to cover a set of bullet points as shown below to set out the important content and structure that the management team have decided as important key points you need to incorporate in the next stages of your project.The reason given is they would like to help you develop further up the ladder by monitoring your progress.

Content requirements

• You need to gain a core of information to use by conducting an information seeking literature review. Look through accredited scholars and researchers. Use both manual and computerized methods to identify and incorporate useful articles and books.

• Research and examine differing methods and approach you have used to ensure primary and secondary research techniques.

• Complete furthermore detailed and accurate analysis to showhow youdealt with theproblems you encountered in your literature review.

• As many issues can arise over time from long term progress in data collection and analysis. You are to discuss the positives, negatives and shortcomings that you encountered using different approaches to accruing your data.

• Critically analysis of the information sources you have used in research should be stated. Two different high-level techniques like data mining, text analytics, business intelligence or data visualization may be used for analysis and two other strategies you incorporated to overcome the obstacles you encountered.

• Show a detailed analysis by evaluating the positive aspects obtained from your findings regarding the research you carried out. Show how these aspects will contribute to the success and returns of your chosen topic and how this could contribute to future developments within your company.

• As the author of this research project plan is in important for you to take time to incorporate a reflective statement on how effective your findings were be to the success of the projects progress and how this has impacted the group. Undertake a critical evaluation to justify and evaluate what you and the group have gained from participating in this chosen research project.

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