ETR253E: Conduct internet research on the importance of customer service training. Students are required to explore

Choose one TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT/TREND (Examples: virtual reality, internet of things, etc.) as discussed in Chapter 2, and conduct internet research on the trend that you have chosen. Students are required to explore and include the following:

1. Brief introduction on what are technology trends.

2. History/description of the trend you have chosen (include founder if possible).

3. Three(3) examples of the trend used around the world.

4. Conclusion of the findings.

Choose one ENVIRONMENTAL impact (Examples: pollution, land degradation, etc.) that is caused by the tourism industry and conduct an internet search on the impact that you have chosen. Students are required to FIND AN ARTICLE related to the impact chosen and is required to include the following:

1. Brief introduction about environmental impacts.
2. Simplified and explain your article using your own word.
3. Identify ways to overcome the issue (from your own point of view).
4. Conclusion of the findings.


Conduct internet research on the importance of customer service training. Students are required to explore and include the following:

1. Brief introduction about customer service.
2. Minimum three (3) types of customer service training.
3. Brief elaborations on each training that you choose.
4. Conclusion of the findings

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