Critically analyse the impact of renewable energy sources and their integration to the grid using a standard industrial based software such as MATLAB/Simulink (or equivalent)

Unit 44 industrial power

Learning Outcome 1: Investigate the impacts of renewable resources to the grid and the various issues associated with integrating such resources to the grid
Learning Outcome 2: Investigate the safe operation of a smart power system
Learning Outcome 3: Investigate the principle of operation of standalone and grid connected renewable energy systems
Learning Outcome 4: Discuss the features of a smart grid network
Learning Outcome 5: Determine the importance of powerelectronics in smart grid and energy storage
Learning Outcome 6: Analyse how power electronic converters are used in smart grid networks
Learning Outcome 7: Evaluate the issues associated with integrating renewable energy sources to the grid
Learning Outcome 8: Critically analyse the impact of renewable energy sources and their integration to the grid using a standard industrial based software such as MATLAB/Simulink (or equivalent)


In broad terms, the task of power electronics is to process and control the flow of electric energy by supplying voltages and currents in a form that is optimally suited for user loads.

In recent years, the field of power electronics has experienced a large growth due to confluence of several factors. Revolutionary advances in microelectronics methods have led to the development of such controllers. Moreover, these advances in semiconductor fabrication technology have made it possible to significantly improve the voltage- and current-handling capabilities and the switching speeds of power semiconductor devices, which make up the power processor unit more reliable.

Topics included in this assignmentareapplication of power electronic in renewable energy applications, industrial applications of power electronic converters, topologies of power electronic converters and simulation of the power converters.

On successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to have more advancedknowledge of industrial applications of power electronics and power converters which are widely being used in renewable energy applications.

The aim of this project is for you to identify and research a realistic energy-smart grid system with integration strategies and assess the effect of the adoption of integration techniques to ensure operation safety and other system issues.Look at applications of power electronics in renewable energy sources. Justify and demonstrate knowledge of how power electronic converters are used in smart-grid networks.Discuss the features, use, and importance of renewable energy sources. In addition, describe energy storage requirements and intelligent control for power management and smart homes/ buildings, etc. To further your research, use a MATLAB/Simulink software simulation to corroboration of the smart-grid system and its control strategies.

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