COM00150M Department of Computer Science Research Proposal-IT Computer Science Assignment Help

Assessment Background/Scenario

The foundation of any project lies in the planning, and assessment of its viability as a project. Fundamentally, this is what the research proposal concerns itself with and helps ascertain whether the final project is worth planning for.

In the formative assessment you were asked to present 2 project ideas; at this stage you will need to eliminate one of these ideas and select your finalised project idea. This final idea now needs to be planned in sufficient depth before you undertake your Independent Research Project. The proposal is the pathway to your research.

Assessment Task

  1. As part of the formative you were asked to create videos for your initial proposal ideas. You should have received feedback from your tutor and peers, and confirmation of the suitability of your project. For the summative assessment you now need to produce a written research proposal for your Independent Research Project (IRP), which you will undertake over a 16-week period.
  2. Below is a suggested structure and an indicative recommendation for the number of words to be allocated to each section. You should remember to be succinct and precise, and that quantity does not imply quality. The word counts below are indicative of what we think a typical proposal requires; however, you may choose to allocate your word count differently.