BSEN40320 The components to be designed in outline form for the site should include a landfill, anaerobic digestion, composting,

Design of an Integrated Waste Management Facility

  • Site selection (the Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland, so all of the island of Ireland) based on land currently available for sale ( and other property websites)
  • The components to be designed in outline form for the site should include a landfill, anaerobic digestion, composting, and an incinerator. Other processes such as sorting can be considered. Each team member should work on an individual component of the facility but there should be joined-up thinking on the project as a whole in terms of overall layout.

Report Format

  • Standard text font size 12, double line spacing
  • Front Title page (module code, module title, team members)
  • Abstract (summary of maximum 300 words)
  • Table of contents
  • Table of figures/tables
  • Introduction including Objectives (max 300 words)

Design of an Integrated Waste Management Facility

  • Site selection (shortlist of sites and reasons for the final choice, maximum 1000 words, a comparison table of shortlisted sites, and selection criteria would be useful).
  • Overall site layout (where main components are located, e.g. road, weighbridge, landfill, etc., 500 words)
  • Main on-site waste processes (e.g. separation/processing, landfill, AD, compost, incinerator). Max 1500 words per process

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