Individual Assignment-
“Impact of Global Crises on the International Waste Management Industry in the past 15 years”
This individual report (maximum 4,000 words) should assess the impact of Global Crises (e.g., Covid-19, Ukraine) on the International Waste Management Industry in the past 10 years. Students should consider previous crises particularly in recent years (Covid, Ukraine, public health and food safety emergencies along with economic recessions) which affected the waste industry in order to assess impacts and potential future trends. Refer to media outlets, regulatory agencies and professional bodies (e.g. EPA, CIWM). International examples should be included. Images and tables should be inserted where useful. The following headings and issues are suggested but may be amended if you feel there is a better way of presenting the report.
Abstract (summary of report, 200 words maximum) including the objective of the report
Policy and Legislation – There is a move away from single use plastics but could this be reversed in a crisis. Due to the fluctuation in oil price, biocomposite materials may be less or more competitive on price. Could Climate and Circular Economy policy targets be adjusted in a crisis?
Collection – Do domestic users produce more waste (wet wipes, food) if working from home? Will there be less blockages (fatbergs) in sewers (from fat, oil and grease waste) in city centres and more in suburban residential areas? Are people less likely to bring items to civic amenity centres due to biosecurity issues? How does Deposit Return Schemes affect collection?
Treatment – Which conventional treatment technology would seem to be most attractive in the current circumstances? Could composting and anaerobic digestion be less favoured compared to incineration because of biosecurity and/or energy costs? Will decentralised AD (e.g. on farm biogas v. centralised) be more likely to be the trend in order to avoid taking waste from several sources? Will there be any impact on landspreading of biosolids (e.g. digestate or animal manure?)
Discussion – based on the information gathered, suggest some likely trends.
Conclusions (200 words maximum)
References – Use Harvard Style. Cite references in text and list full details in alphabetical order at the end of the individual report.
Reminder: All assignments submitted by electronic file will be checked for plagiarism as standard. Reports must be written in students’ own words and supported by references cited in the text and listed at the end of assignments.
Please note the suggested word limits are guidelines – there are no penalties for going over the suggested limits.