This part should be two to three (2-3) pages and appropriately use in-text citations from peer reviewed articles using APA format to support information presented in the paper. Do not copy and paste content from your research source. Information from peer reviewed sources should be paraphrased and demonstrate that the student understands the content. The paper should be written in your own words, using the research as a basis for the information contained in the paper. The following should be included in the body of the paper:
a. Brief history of the profession including how the profession first started, what the educational, legal and other qualifications were to practice this profession (i.e.: license, certification, training) when it first started
b. Current educational preparation, certification, licensure and other legal requirements necessary to practice this profession in New York State, including agency responsible and process for obtaining license/certification and costs.
c. Requirements you must meet in order to obtain your first job to work in this profession in New York State.
d. Type of patients served by this profession. Be specific. Not all professions serve all types of patients.
e. Other health care professionals with whom this profession works.
f. Opportunities for advancement, if any. Educational requirements, other training, licensure or certification needed for advancement.
g. Employment opportunities and job prospects for this profession. Projected job growth potential and salary range in New York State.