BMP5006: Interpret cost and management accounting reports applying appropriate costing methods.

Assessment Type (and weighting): Group Presentation and Report + Individual Reflection- 50% (In Class presentation)

Assessment Name: Cost and management accounting

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO4: Interpret cost and management accounting reports applying appropriate costing methods.

Assessment Brief:

Analyse a business case for the adoption of Activity-Based Costing (ABC).

  • Choose a company of your choice from FTSE top 250 and demonstrate how ABC has been implemented.
  • Additionally, explore the benefits and drawbacks of using ABC in this context.
  • Explore alternative costing methods that the company could implement.
  • Finally, evaluate to what extent ABC may be more advantageous than traditional costing techniques.

Assessment components:

  • Group presentation including PowerPoint slides (50%)
  • Group Report 1500 words (40%)
  • Individual reflection 500 words (10%) – This section will explain your individual role as part of the team on how you worked with the team and what tasks you covered as well as potential challenges you faced and how you overcome them.