Apply strategic models and theories to evaluate global strategy formulation and implementation;

Global Strategy

Company name : - SAINSBURY

Outline: This module will introduce you to relevant concepts of Global Strategy and Strategic Management. It will address the key question of what is international or global about strategic decisions and focus on the specific management issues that come with global organisations in terms of institutional distance.

This module aims primarily to ensure that students understand the nature and meaning of corporate strategy and can assess the strategic position of corporations operating in complex global markets. Students will demonstrate an understanding of strategy formulation and implementation in global markets.

Learning Outcome 1: Critically evaluate international and global strategy;
Learning Outcome 2: Apply strategic models and theories to evaluate global strategy formulation and implementation;
Learning Outcome 3: Analyse different strategies for international expansion.

This session provides the students with an overview of the module, content delivery and expectations. Please ensure both the Assignment Brief and SoW for the Module are discussed. Highlight both Formative feedback link (New) and Summative deadlines.

Discuss the assignment brief, how to access support and guidance, discuss expectations and deadlines.
Introduce the concept of Global Strategy.

Understanding the VLE, Core reading texts and additional reading materials.

Discuss with the class in detail, the Assignment Brief on Module (with more focus on structure- Cover Sheet, Table of Contents, Introduction and 2.0 as that would be required for next week tutorial).

Discuss expectations - informal Q&A session to check understanding and requirements.

Discuss the Assignment Brief on Module with focus on point
Prepare a table of contents, introduction, overview of the company for feedback next week.

Session 1: Strategy Formulation:

Organisational Purpose-Vision and Mission
Levels of strategy.
business strategy-Porter`s competitive strategies and Blue Oceans.

Corporate strategy-integration strategic alliances, M&As. Global strategy-competing around the world.

Session 2: International and Global Strategy.

What is global Strategy?

International Vs domestic business
Globalisation- elements, opportunities, challenges for businesses.
International & global business strategy

Session 1: Strategies for International Expansion.

Reasons for Internationalisation of business

Strategies for entering international markets

Session 2: Strategy Implementation and Control:

structures, culture, and control

Session 1: Strategies for International Expansion.

Reasons for Internationalisation of business

Strategies for entering international markets
Session 2: Strategy Implementation and Control: structures, culture, and control

Revision & Assignment Support
Recap of knowledge learned from week 1 to week 3.
Synchronise the knowledge and link to the assignment brief.
Provide 1-1 feedback on student`s work
Support for students struggling to complete the assignment.
Dealing with any other issues arising.

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