Analyse and evaluate the significance of key, cross functional processes essential to the delivery of customer value.

This assessment uses the work undertaken in Coursework 1 as its foundation. This time however, you must take the opportunity to demonstrate your learning from all OR many of the units of the module to present a case study that shows how theory can be useful in appraising activities and performance of an organisation.
The formal learning outcomes that coursework 2 will contribute to are:
1. Evaluate the role of an organisation’s internal capabilities and how these may be structured to attain competitive advantage.
2. Appraise the role and scope of specific business functions and their contribution to an organisation’s success.
3. Analyse and evaluate the significance of key, cross functional processes essential to the delivery of customer value.
The Task for coursework 2 is to produce a written report which forms an organisation case study of value in the organisation
The task requires you to:
• briefly recap on the introduction to your chosen organisation from Coursework Summative Task 2 introduce the elements of theory that you are using.
• discuss the ways in which you can see the theoretical principles being applied (or ignored) in the organisation to identify, capture and evaluate value.
The assignment should demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, the ability to select and discuss relevant literature and to apply knowledge of functional areas to the overall process.
The most important part of this assignment is critical appraisal of the extent to which the current models of good practice in management can be seen to contribute or not to the organization’s success.

Assessment Guidance
The report should include the following sections – you may wish to organise in a manner that best fits your selected organisation. Identification and description of organisation should focus on the same organisation as you did in in the previous coursework and these details should be placed in an Appendix 1.
The Value and Supply Chains: Establishing relevant theoretical underpinning and application of theory around value, systems and networks to the particular organisation
It is is essential that you demonstrate that you are able to take the theoretical material included in each section of the module and apply relevant selected parts of it to use a foundation or framework for the examination of practice in a live organisation. There must be explicit use of, and referencing to, published academic sources using APA (7th ed).
The evidence presented by you of the practice in your organisation must be related to the theory you have chosen to use – there must be a “fit” between the theory and the practical evidence. The facts relating to your organisation must be relevant and clearly explained.
Appraisal of contribution of other models to organisational success including value chain analysis, creating value through networks and managing the risk of the value stream. The SWOT analysis is the emergence of this value process.
This is another very important ability for you to demonstrate. You are expected to come to a conclusion about the relevance and suitability of the theory in relation to the organisation you have chosen to study. This appraisal must be reasoned and grounded in the evidence you have presented. It is the strength of your reasoning that matters here and the justification of your conclusion.
Quality of text and diagrams or graphics as appropriate
Text, diagrams and any graphics should be clear, readable and used in an appropriate context.
The sources of ALL the information should be referenced in proper University format (APA 7). If you are unsure about the proper way to construct a bibliography and cite references, the library has guidance notes available.
The bibliography demonstrates the range of your reading. Remember that there must be evidence in the text that you have applied the reading you have done. Assessment Guidance
The report should include the following sections – you may wish to organise in a manner that best fits your selected organisation. Identification and description of organisation should focus on the same organisation as you did in in the previous coursework and these details should be placed in an Appendix 1.
The Value and Supply Chains: Establishing relevant theoretical underpinning and application of theory around value, systems and networks to the particular organisation
It is is essential that you demonstrate that you are able to take the theoretical material included in each section of the module and apply relevant selected parts of it to use a foundation or framework for the examination of practice in a live organisation. There must be explicit use of, and referencing to, published academic sources using APA (7th ed).
The evidence presented by you of the practice in your organisation must be related to the theory you have chosen to use – there must be a “fit” between the theory and the practical evidence. The facts relating to your organisation must be relevant and clearly explained.
Appraisal of contribution of other models to organisational success including value chain analysis, creating value through networks and managing the risk of the value stream. The SWOT analysis is the emergence of this value process.
This is another very important ability for you to demonstrate. You are expected to come to a conclusion about the relevance and suitability of the theory in relation to the organisation you have chosen to study. This appraisal must be reasoned and grounded in the evidence you have presented. It is the strength of your reasoning that matters here and the justification of your conclusion.
Quality of text and diagrams or graphics as appropriate
Text, diagrams and any graphics should be clear, readable and used in an appropriate context.
The sources of ALL the information should be referenced in proper University format (APA 7). If you are unsure about the proper way to construct a bibliography and cite references, the library has guidance notes available.
The bibliography demonstrates the range of your reading. Remember that there must be evidence in the text that you have applied the reading you have done.

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