AC1.1 The learner must develop a proposal.The proposal must include a detailed and clear explanation of the aims, scope, objectives and the research methods

Unit 4 Research Project - ATHE Level 6 Extended Diploma in Management

Assignment Brief

The aim of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and skills required to carry out research.

You must prepare a research proposal, carry out research and report on your findings. You will need to document your research methodologies, the completed research and finally the review.

Task 1

The first stage of the research project requires that you must:

• Develop a proposal that explains the aims, scope, objectives and methodological approach for the research that is proposed

Extension activity

To achieve a Distinction, you must add an evaluation of the chosen methodological approach.

Task 2

You are required to produce a research report which details how you have carried out the research, your findings and your conclusions and recommendations. Your report should be in a suitable format which may include appendices with detail of methodological approach and collection and management of data. Any sources should be referenced using a recognised referencing system e.g., Harvard.

Your report must:

• Show how you have managed the collection of primary and secondary data in support of the research aim and objectives
• Present and analyse the data collected
• Determine conclusions and recommendations
• Show how the research addresses the aims and objectives of the project

Task 3

You are required to carry out a review of the project and your completion of the research. You should write an evaluation that:

• Reflects on your own learning in carrying out research investigations
• Reviews the validity of the research outcomes against the stated objectives

1.   AC1.1 The learner must develop a proposal.The proposal must include a detailed and clear explanation of the aims, scope, objectives and the research methods and techniques that will be used.        

D1 The learner should evaluate the methodological approach selected showing how it will support the achievement of the project`s aims and objectives.

2.     AC2.1 The learner will produce a report on the research carried out which should show clear evidence of how they have managed the collection of data and should demonstrate their ability to conduct research using primary and/or secondary data. It should show that appropriate sampling techniques have been used throughout.

AC3.1 The findings of the research should be presented in the report and a detailed analysis of the data should be provided showing the learner`s ability to address their research and provide a systematic and detailed analysis of their findings.    

M1 The learner must evaluate the impact of their findings e.g. explaining how they may change processes or practices, improve
efficiency etc. depending on the aims and objectives set. They should refer back to aims and objectives.        
AC3.2 The learner should choose the most appropriate format in which to present their research findings for inclusion in the portfolio. This may be a final written report which includes:

Contents page
Summary of literature review
Research methods used

The learner should provide appropriate conclusions and providing recommendations that are justified by the research findings.

Detailed information about data collected and analysis of data will normally be included in appendices.

3.    AC4.1 The learner must reflect on their own learning in carrying out research investigations. The review must identify the successes and the issues associated with conducting the research.

AC4.2 They must also review the validity of the outcomes of the research against the objectives showing how the research meets /fails to meet these objectives.    

M1 The learner will use the written work completed for AC 4.1 and identify and assess areas for improvement for the future. The assessment must be balanced and demonstrate that the learner has judged   

D1 The learner should analyse future opportunities for learning. These should clearly lik to their reflection on their own learning and the project chosen. Thy should be realistic opportunities for learning.

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