7051CEM Web Applications And AI, Coventry University -

Web Applications and AI

Title - Java EE e-Commerce Application

Application development and report on the development process

Learning Outcome 1: Understand and apply emerging web technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to enhancing the web applications development.

Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate and apply appropriate computer-based tools and platforms for the development of web-based distributed systems.

Learning Outcome 3: Appreciate the design principles and application of SOAP and REST based web services in web applications context.

Learning Outcome 4: Produce a well-engineered and robust web applications solution using a combination of Java EE technologies, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and machine learning models.

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate the ability to deploy and manage web applications on servers and a cloud environment.


Tim has started a small business called "Clothes 4 Men". He wants to sell items online only. You are asked to develop an online store for Tim. The developedapplication should enable customers to view available items and buy clothes and accessories online like other traditional e-commerce shops.You are also required to provide an administrative interface so Tim could keep track of customers` orders and perform various updates functions on orders and products in the database. You are required to use JEE Platform (Servlet, JSP, Web Services,etc.) and a relational database of your choice as implementation technologies. The application should be easy to navigate and allow easy placement of the order by multiple customers at the same time.

Part A

Your application must have the following minimum functionalities.
• Display a list of items available based on different categories to the customers.
• Allow customers to add items to their shopping carts.
• Allow removal of items from the shopping cart.
• Update item quantities in the shopping cart as a customer add an item tothe cart.
• Customers can view a summary of all items and quantities in the shopping cart includingorder`s total value.
• Enable a customer to place an order and make payment by using fictitious credit card details (You may use any available plugin for this purpose or 10 digits number validation for credit card).
• Administrative interface is required to allow staff to view and trackcustomers` order; and also allow staff to add new items in stock and update their quantities.

• Backend-database should be updated correctly in relation toorders placed and products delivered.
• Ensure the validation of input data

Part B

Assuming you have the following sales data and its associated advertisement budget.
Using an appropriate regression technique predict the sale of the year 2024 if the advertising budget for 2022 is increased by 20% as compared to its previous year. Also, provide the rationale behind the selected method.



Advertising Cost

Yearly Sale


























You must also submit a reporton the system describing the features that you have incorporated and reflection on the development process. The report should include:

• Use case scenarios and their UML representation of the application
• Application design (Design patterns, ER diagram, wireframes, and sketches, etc.).
• A brief evaluation report of not more than 1-page reflecting the development process and technologies used
• Evidence of implementation (e.g. screenshots, code, database, test plan, and test results) of the application
• Part B: Sale prediction and rationale of the use of the selected method

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