5N1709: To demonstrate an understanding of key ideas and concepts in relation to signs, symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of chosen special need.


You are required to analyze one special need for this assignment. Outline signs, symptoms, prognosis, diagnosis and therapy programmes of the chosen need and the role of the multidisciplinary team and supporting staff in assistance of individuals with such a condition.

The assignment is to be presented in the following format:

  • Introduction: identifying aims ,objectives and context.
  • To demonstrate an understanding of key ideas and concepts in relation to signs, symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of chosen special need.
  • Detailed exploration of role played by the multidisciplinary team and supporting staff
  • Investigation carried out as part of research
  • Comprehensive analysis of subject matter

Evidence for this assessment technique may take the form of written, oral, graphic, audio, visual or digital evidence, or any combination of these. Any audio, video or digital evidence must be provided in a suitable format.  Your assignment needs to be submitted through ‘Turn it in’ on Microsoft Teams.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction: Identifying aims, objectives and context

To demonstrate an understanding of key ideas and concepts in relation to signs, symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of chosen need

Detailed exploration of role played by the multidisciplinary team and services

Investigation carried out as part of research

Comprehensive analysis of subject matter