506OGE Energy Project Research Planning, Coventry

Energy Project Research Planning, Coventry University

Task: Individual Research Project Proposal 2,000 words

Topic - Battery production and charging is just as bad as crude oil drilling processing and pollution emitting.

• You are required to write a 2,000 words individual research project proposal on an energy sector topic.

• Your project proposal should include the following:

• Rationale for your choice of topic

• Introduction to your research: aims and objectives
• Overview of proposed time scale
• Scoping literature review
• Proposed research methods

• APA 7th edition style of referencing must be used in your Project Proposal
• Relevant graphics can be included in your proposal.

Completion of this assessment will address the following learning outcomes:

Question 1 Apply their knowledge and understanding of the concept and design of a research project, exploring a defined problem or research question

Question 2 Plan and take responsibility for a self-managed project within an appropriate ethical framework.

Question 3 Design a project specifying the aim, objectives and realistic targets.

Question 4 Critically research and compile information relevant to an energy sector project theme, using an appropriate and justifiable range of research methods to identify, select and review a wide range of fully cited information sources to support the subject matter
both historically and current.

Question 5 Develop a research project proposal and methodology framework by considering data and analytical methods to the problem under investigation.

You should use APA 7th edition style of referencing.

Project Proposal Structure

Chapter One
1. Introduction
Background or historical background
Research Aim (define)
Research Objectives (list in bullet points)
sub-research questions for each objective (Optional)
Main Research Question
Hypothesis or Why This Research is Needed

Chapter Two (Literature Review)
Present what other researchers found out/done related to your project (Part One)
Analysing Part One (support and criticise what other researchers done in relation to your project) (Part Two)
Find the gap(s) that other researchers not completed and how if you a mechanism (methodology) that will enable to fill this gap(s), i.e. reach your aim (Part Three)

Chapter Three (Methodology)
3.1 Introduction
Type of Methodology
Ethical Issues

Chapter Four
General Conclusion Bibliography

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