What do you understand about what you observed? What did you find interesting or extraordinary? What learning is being demonstrated?



  1. What do you understand about what you observed?
  2. What did you find interesting or extraordinary?
  3. What learning is being demonstrated?
  4. What can you extend on?

Suggest few experiences. What are the interests and strengths of child/ren observed? Link the information to EYLF/VEYLDF learning outcomes.


Strategies: What strategies you might use to promote children’s interest, play and learning? This might include interactions, resources, intentional teaching. You might include some examples of modelling, scaffolding or open ended questions. How will you encourage children to learn from each other? How will the environment support play and learning?

Act and Do (Implementation)

  1. Implement your experience. Did you need to modify for any reason?
  2. Any emergent experiences that arose?

Give specific examples of children’s involvement. What learning processes have you observed the children using (problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching, investigating…)?

Review and Reflect (Evaluation)

Review: With the learning aims and the EYLF/VEYLDF learning outcomes in mind, evaluate the learning and the planning. What worked well? What can you improve? Do you need to repeat, refine or extend the plan? How will you follow up?