The University takes academic misconduct very seriously and always seeks to rigorously protect its academic standards. Plagiarism, collusion,

Assignment - Proposal

General Assessment Guidance

This summative assessment requires students to create a Business Problem Research Proposal.

You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access.

For this coursework, the submission word limit is 2,000 words. The cover sheet, table of contents, diagrams and tables, references are NOT included within word count calculations.

A total of 100 marks are available for this assessment which represents 70% of the total marks for the module.

All your references must have correct citations in the main body text and a complete reference in the list of references using the Harvard Referencing Format.
The University takes academic misconduct very seriously and always seeks to rigorously protect its academic standards. Plagiarism, collusion, and other forms of cheating constitute academic misconduct, for which there is an explicit range of graduated penalties depending on the particular type of academic misconduct. The penalties that can be applied if academic misconduct is substantiated range from a reprimand to expulsion in very serious cases and for repeated instances of misconduct.

LO 1 - Design and plan an effective, practical business research project
LO 2 - Communicate clearly and effectively problem analysis and solutions, and research findings.

Assignment Brief

Your proposal should cover the following sections, further details of which are below:

Cover page with your name and title of your proposal.

Business problem: This might be specific to a particular organisation but the target audience of your report might be managers in a specific role e.g.HR, Marketing, Sales, Strategy, Procurement, Logistics etc., a specific industry or market, or others involved in business such as entrepreneurs, regulators or members of wider society. Is this a local regional or global problem? Does it span industry boundaries or is it specific to one industry?

Background and existing insights - What are the relevant business concepts and insights into the problem? You should include a one-day solution for the problem.

Data collection and analysis strategies - What data (primary and/or secondary) do you need to gather and how will you analyse this data to produce evidence that yields insights and a solution to the business problem?

Appendices: Draft Research Instruments/Data Sources

Draft of quantitative and qualitative research instruments or identification of secondary data sources that are identified in the WorkPlan.

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