TEACH514: Critically reflect on ways Social Studies pedagogy can develop young learners` interest and conceptual understandings of the chosen context.
Part A of the Working Paper
Select one of the following contexts to research from this list:
Immigrants settling in Aotearoa New Zealand: Past, present OR future
Impacts and responses to natural/social disasters such as floods or earthquakes
Sustainable food production
Sport as an economic activity in Aotearoa New Zealand
The significance of tikanga and kawa for tangata whenua
Inquire through research into the context you have selected using all sources available to you.
Apply your new understandings of the context to The New Zealand Curriculum [NZC] (Ministry of Education, 2007).
Write using . about your developing understandings in Part A of the Working Paper. This will include:
Explaining the context using the research you have undertaken (you may take a specific angle within the context) - here we will be looking for your understanding of the context itself;
Critically applying your understanding of the context to justify its relevance and scope for teaching and learning to achieve the Aims of social sciences in the NZC 2007 – here we will be looking for how you connect learning opportunities in your chosen context to the curriculum Aims, and explaining why the connections in this context are important in the social sciences.
Part B of the Working paper
Write using maximum in which you:
Connect your selected context to Social Studies teaching and learning in the Aotearoa New Zealand primary curriculum (NZC 2007 Levels 1-4: Years 1-8) by discussing TWO social sciences concepts that could be explored though the context, ONE Achievement Objective that could be covered at a specific Level, and the Social Studies skills processes that could be developed for students.
Locate, describe and justify TWO child-centred resources such as school journal stories, picture books, and interactive materials and explain how those resources can be used to develop student’s understanding of the selected context and one of more of the Social Studies skills processes. You may to present this information in a table.
Critically reflect on ways Social Studies pedagogy can develop young learners` interest and conceptual understandings of the chosen context.