Synthesize theory and research associated with achieving successful teaching based on the role of emotional intelligence.

Learning outcome 1: Critically reflect on emotional intelligence
Learning outcome 2: Critically examine the role of emotional intelligence in education and how it is lined to effective teaching.
Learning outcome 3: Synthesize theory and research associated with achieving successful teaching based on the role of emotional intelligence.

Critical Review:
Your work should include and cover the following sections/aspects and content (as shown and stated in the table below). The specific percentage marks allocated to each section/aspect of your work is stated below

 Title of section    Further Explanation
Cover page    Assignment code, title of the assignment and personal details           
Introduction    Introduce what the assignment`s focus will be Give some background here on your first thoughts.
Provide the context and the rationale of your critical review and possible debates around this research area.
Refer to the context of your area.  
Literature Review of the chosen aspect    A literature review and possible debates around this research area.  
Findings of the literature review    What does the literature tell you in relation to your question? Did anything startling come out of the review that you were not expecting?
You will need to use the notes section to expand and use the literature to illustrate your points/findings.  
Implications for future aspects/conclusion    Mention if there are any recommendations that you can make from this review.    
Presentation    Cover Page, Table of Contents, Page numbering, Line spacing  
Harvard reference guide    Citations and reference list according to Harvard reference guide.

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