Unit Hurdle Requirement: Students must pass this assessment to pass the course and the overarching Deakin unit.
The assessment criteria are summarised in the table below:
Case Study Evaluation and Reflection Report
Part One: An initial analysis of organisation concepts and principles related to leaders, power and stakeholder management and an assessment of these factors as applied by a nominated organisation.
Part Two: Initially a student will identify the components of the Course Two content that has impacted on their professional and personal life focusing on leadership capacity. Students will also critically reflect on their own leadership and management style in relation to the theoretical material covered and in their professional experiences, and develop a `Leadership Development Plan for the following 12 months.
Part One: Organisational analysis of diversity, powerpower, and stakeholder management: 1,500 word written document, 25% of the assessment.
Part Two: Reflection report: 1,500 word written document, 25% of the assessment.
ULO3: Provide clear advice (to organisational leadership) on the impact of organisational culture, organisational design, and internal and external environment factors on organisational performance
ULO4: Reflect on and examine personal leadership skills and style in the context of creating and maintaining high performing organisations
GLO1: Apply discipline-specific knowledge
GLO2: Communicate findings in a written discussion
GLO6: Reflecting on own approach to addressing people challenges
Week 8
Assessment Title: Analysis of Organisational Leadership and Stakeholder Management
The report can be structured as follows
Title: My Leadership Reflection and Leadership Plan
The student will:
An appendix will summarise your leadership development plan.
Issue | Actions | Measures |
What will I start doing? | ||
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
What will I continue to do? | ||
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
What will I stop doing? | ||
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 |
The following structure is a suggestion and may help you organise your assessment paper.
Title: My Leadership Plan
The reflection can have a significant impact on your working career, and you are advised to undertake a scheduled reflection of your leadership and career aspirations throughout your career. This is an important consideration as leadership and its related content are often well described but sometimes difficult to enact. You are asked to always have the assessment in mind as you work through the course. You are advised to keep reflective records during this course of your learning and the exercises will provide support for this reflection. In the early sections of the leadership module a journal has been outlined and provides a basis of your reflective learnings to inform your leadership. Remember not all learning are related solely to the workplace. Family, friends, leisure activities and relaxation all provided sources of reflection and learning.