Statutory Frameworks Prepare a briefing for your senior staff on the statutory frameworks providing context for inspection, which also explores the potential for dilemmas and conflicts.

Assignment Brief

You manage a service that is regulated by a national regulatory body. At your last supervision with your line manager, you discussed issues pertaining to inspection. You also expressed that you were not familiar with the governance of your organization. As a result, the following objectives were agreed.

  1. You will prepare your team for inspection.
  2. You will investigate internal governance mechanisms and how these relate to care provision and your own role

Task 1, Criteria 502 

Task 1- Statutory Frameworks Prepare a briefing for your senior staff on the statutory frameworks providing context for inspection, which also explores the potential for dilemmas and conflicts. The briefing should include:

Legislation in relation to the regulation of

  • Care Provision
  • Capacity
  • Safeguarding
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Health and Safety
  • Physical Environment
  • Environmental Issues
  • Employment