SPE211- Discuss the strengths and limitations of your chosen social policy domains and discuss how it impacts your selected population group.


Critically consider the way social policy debates and changes to the Australian welfare state have affected a particular population group. Your discussion must be supported by reading and research and focus on income support and one other relevant social policy domain (see part 4 of your textbook for policy domains).

Some suggested population groups are:

  1. People experiencing unemployment
  2. People experiencing housing issues or homelessness
  3. People experiencing health/mental health issues
  4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  5. Migrants or Refugees

Based on your selected population group:

  1. Provide a brief description of the population group (who they are and what are their social welfare needs).
  2. Briefly outline the social policy domains, in relation to your chosen group (income support and one other domain).
  3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of your chosen social policy domains and discuss how it impacts your selected population group.
  4. Discuss the potential future issues faced by the selected population group under current policies related to the group`s social welfare needs.

For this assessment:

  • Be sure to draw on wider reading to support arguments.
  • In light of reading/research, conclude by predicting potential future issues faced by the chosen population group under current policies.

Note: Do not submit your assignment in PDF format (for electronic submission via EASTS) leave it as a word document for marking.

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