Module Aim: The aim of this module is to introduce the discipline of Sociology to learners and its application to Social Care Practice. The module aims to develop the learners’ understanding of the complexity of contemporary society and the cultural and social factors that influence our personal and professional development. The module will encourage the learner to examine and reflect on the social world in which we live and to explore the diverse ways in which humans organize their lives together. As well as the social issues which impact on the individual’s ability to participate on an equal C1401 basis in society. The module also provides learners with an opportunity to reflect and develop self-awareness and encourages the learner to see the world as others see it and to understand the actions and feelings of others. There is emphasis placed on the importance of practicing in a non-discriminatory, non-judgmental, and culturally sensitive way. Sociological frameworks and theories will be examined, and aspects of Irish Society will be explored from a sociological perspective. Throughout the module ‘real life’ examples and links will be made to social care practice.