SOC30370 Is terrorism a modern or an ancient phenomenon? How do historical sociologists study terrorist actions?

Essay Guidelines

Question: “Is terrorism a modern or an ancient phenomenon? How do historical sociologists study terrorist actions?”


  • The study of sociology is based on the critical assessment of evidence, arguments, and different positions, identifying gaps, insights, and weaknesses, and bringing critical thought to bear.
  • Begin each essay by carefully assessing exactly what you are being asked to do in the question posed. Questions never require a ‘write all you know’ response.
  • Think about how to begin, what the body of your essay will say, and how to end. Think about the conflicting arguments. What assumptions are they based on? What values do they embody? What evidence illustrates any argument? What readings do you need to bring to bear?
  • Ensure clear presentation. Organize your essay in a logical way that is obvious, e.g. use sub-headings. Argue coherently. Correct punctuation and spelling matter.
  • Your conclusion is important. In it you bring the entire essay together and make points based on its content. You can re-phrase your support for a particular position, a combination of positions, or none. Show that you have answered the question.
  • All essays must be fully referenced and include a bibliography.

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