PTY7PRT A reasoned recommendation on how M40 Developments should be advised to proceed in respect of these offers.


You are required to provide a client report (with a cover letter) to M40 Developments with your recommendation on how to proceed in respect of the offers received. This should include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Your opinion of the market rental value of Unit 2.
  • Draft standard Heads of Terms, including a critical evaluation of the preferred lease terms, for M40 Developments’ solicitors to start preparing a standard lease for use on the scheme.
  • A critical evaluation of the two offers received.
  • A reasoned recommendation on how M40 Developments should be advised to proceed in respect of these offers.

Your report must critically analyse the terms of the offers and potential covenant strength of these two prospective tenants. As part of your analysis of the offers received you should undertake a SWOT analysis of both prospective tenants.

As this is a client report you should aim to submit a report that is finished to a high standard of presentation with graphs, charts, maps and photos included. The report should have a professional looking cover page with photos and colour included to create a good first impression. The report should also include detailed executive summary which confirms the purpose of the report and a clear set of conclusions and recommendations.

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