NRSG374: Professional Development Resource Narrated PowerPoint

Assessment Task

Students will develop a 10-minute narrated PowerPoint based on one (1) of the key topics discussed by the ‘Survivors Teaching Students’ program.

Three ‘Survivors Teaching Students’ sessions will occur in Week 3. All students are expected to attend at least one of the sessions. Dates and links for these sessions are available on the Survivors Teaching Students tile on the NRSG374 LEO unit. The sessions will also be recorded.

This narrated PowerPoint is to be a professional development resource. The resource is to provide education, information and learning opportunities for final year nursing students and/or graduate nurses about a palliative care topic, the nurse’s role and how the National Palliative Care Standards relate to the topic.

Application of the National Palliative Care Standards and other relevant contemporary evidence-based literature should be used to support the presentation.


Your professional development resource should focus on one of the following key topics discussed by the ‘Survivors Teaching Students’ program:

  1. Barriers to early access to palliative care, including misconceptions and stigma
  2. Psychological and physical supports to improve quality of life in palliative care
  3. Family centred care in the palliative environment

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