MNU11002 Describe what person-centredness in care planning entails. Explain why it is important for the registered intellectual disability nurse (RNID)

This is a 2-part assessment and submitted as part 1 and part 2 in the Blackboard MNU11002 assessment folder.
Part 1: Assignment

Answer one of the assignments from options a,b, or c and upload it in Part 1 of the assessment submission folder as a Word document.
a) Describe what person-centredness in care planning entails. Explain why it is important for the registered intellectual disability nurse (RNID) to understand the concept of person-centredness in care planning. Outline how an easy-to-read poster might be helpful in informing a person with an intellectual disability about the topic. (Word count 1,500).


b) Describe the causes of intellectual disability. Explain why it is important for the registered intellectual disability nurse (RNID) to understand the causes of intellectual disability. Outline how an easy-read poster might be helpful in informing a person with intellectual disability about the topic. (Word count


c) Describe what communicating in a person-centered manner entails. Explain why it is important for the registered intellectual disability nurse (RNID) to understand the concept of communicating in a person-centered manner. Outline how an easy-read poster might be helpful in informing a person with
an intellectual disability about the topic. (Word count 1,500).

Part 2: Easy-read poster
In relation to your assignment topic develop an easy-read poster for a person with an intellectual disability to help them to gain an understanding of the assignment topic. The poster must adhere to European Easy Read Standards and be uploaded in Part 2 of the assessment submission folder as a PDF document.

Part 1:
Assignment guidelines:
This written component of the assignment should contain the following:
Introduction (5 Marks)
The introductory section should outline the purpose and structure of your essay and provide guidance for the reader. An introduction to your chosen assignment subject area is expected.

Main Body
The main body of the assignment should draw from relevant areas of the module content and demonstrate evidence of reading to support the key area of the assignment topic.

The marks for the main body are allocated as follows Description of the topic (25 marks).

Explain why it is important for the registered intellectual disability nurse to understand the topic (15 marks).
Outline how an easy-read poster might be helpful in informing a person with intellectual disability about the topic (5 marks).

Conclusion (5 marks)
Provide a summary of the issues identified in the main body of the assignment.

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