MGMT7032 what communication or conflict management techniques have you encountered or heard about that could help the family to resolve their conflict?

Assignment Questions

  • The case presents two examples of arguments that Marsha and Gerry get into as the sales revenue at Ledesma’s Furniture Shop continues to decline. On the face of it, it appears to be an argument between a marketing manager and a production manager. But how is the argument between Marsha and Gerry different? Describe the factors that could have contributed to the conflict between the siblings.
  • From your discussion on the first question, what can you conclude as to the difference between conflict in family business as distinguished from other contexts?
  • Describe the conflict management style that Marsha and Gerry are using.
  • In efforts to collaborate or to compromise, what communication or conflict management techniques have you encountered or heard about that could help the family to resolve their conflict?

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